Saturday, August 31, 2019

Personal Life and Sports Essay

Sport plays a huge role in our everyday life. Whether it’s physically, mentally or spiritually, sports have a big impact on anyone’s life, especially, to the average sport fan. Participating in team sports helps develop good character, it inspires us to pursue a healthy lifestyle and lastly It is proven that by having a regular social network through sports it will make you live longer. I believe that by being a dedicated sports fan you can live a healthier and longer life. Being involved in sports helps develop good character becuase sports involve team work, gaining of social experiences and helps relieve stress. Working toward a common goal is an integral part of the sports experience for athletes. It is through this experience that some grow into leaders and others into strong supporters, both of which a team will need to be successful. Finding their role on a team is a similar experience to finding your meaning in life, a definite life experience for participants. Team sports such as basketball, football and soccer underscore the necessity of working together to achieve your goals. Players learn firsthand how to achieve success through hard work, perseverance and consistency. Teamwork is a very versatile character trait. It can be used in many parts of life, from sports to the workplace. They teach you not only how to lead, but how to take directions from someone else. It also means that one is constantly learning to work well with others and develop respect for each other’s unique talents. The next advantage of being a sports fan is that it inspires one to purse a healthy lifestyle. Sports require athletes to be in a perfect condition. The people may not be good looking but they have amazing bodies that any of us would kill for. As a possible example, imagine that there is a car which has not worked for years. If you try to run the motor engine, it will not work anymore since it has been rusted and its engine may be broken down. As a result, people is smillar to engines and motors. If we don’t do sports, we will be forced to rust, in other words, decomposition of our body; afterwards, we may have some minor problems with our body when we even need to small walk. We must practice a consistant healthy lifestyle to continue to be and feel the best of our ability. In addition, sports balance our body’s blood pressure and circulation. According to many researchs which have been done by scientists, we can prove the importance of sports for our health because 70% middle aged people who did not do sports in their youth are now struggling with the problems such as high tension, trouble with blood circulation, easily become tired due to the lack of sports. Even people who are just watching a game burn calories! If your at a live game you have to walk all those steps just to get to your seat. If your relaxing at home watching the game and jump up excited becuase your team makes a touch down, that helps you burn calories too! Lastly but not least, one great benefit for being a sports fan is that it is proven that it will help increase the length of your life! Research shows that by maintaing a strong social network with friends who have similar interests that it improves your chance of living longer by about 50%. It doubles your odds of surviving cancer and wards off colds, according to a Brigham Young University study. An easy example of practicing this social expierence is by gathering friends over at your house for monday night football, even if your team looses you still have that social expierence with your friends. Participating in sports gives athletes the ability to develop tight and lasting friendships with others who have common interests. This is a valuable experience that usually leaves them with lasting life long memories In conclusion Participating in team sports helps develop good character, it inspires us to pursue a healthy lifestyle and lastly It is proven that by having a regular social network through sports it will make you live longer. I believe that by being a dedicated sports fan you can live a healthier and longer life. These are just a couple of many great benefits that you can achieve by being a sports fan. Sports are fun where most people find the common ground to become united and enjoy a great game!

Friday, August 30, 2019

Mhp Nursing Shared Governance Essay

What is Shared Decision Making †¢ Point of Service Decision Making – where staff who perform the work participate in decision making affecting their environment †¢ A 30 year old decision making model meant to give equal voice to nurses †¢ A decentralized style of management that creates an environment of empowerment Shared Decision Making A Journey Not a Destination We TO They Why Shared Decision Making †¢ Essential to achieving the best patient outcomes by giving nurses control of their practice – they know best! †¢ Recognizes the power already present in a role and allows that power to be expressed legitimately †¢ Builds autonomy into the profession Shared Decision Making – The Process A dynamic process that is centered on 4 critical principles of fully empowered organizations: Partnership Accountability Equity Ownership Operational Definitions †¢ Partnership – nursing staff and leadership work together at the unit and system level to move practice forward and achieve the best outcomes †¢ Accountability – staff and managers share ownership for the outcomes of our work and are answerable to our colleagues, the institution and the community we serve Operational Definitions †¢ Equity – Integrating roles to achieve outcomes; everyone contributes within the scope of their role as part of the team †¢ Ownership – Everyone must realize that success is linked to how well they do their jobs Shared Decision Making Our Model Professional Advancement Council Administrative Council Safety First C rd oo ina tin g Quality & Safety Council Cou ncil Unit Patient Research & Evidence Based Nursing Practice Council Great Place to Work Professional Nurse Council Family Community Clinical Excellence Councils Coo Education Council rdin atin g Cou ncil Think of yourself as a Patient APN Council Research Council Financial Strength CCHS Shared Decision Making Councils †¢ Quality & Safety Council †¢ Research & Evidence Based Nursing Practice Council †¢ Education Council †¢ Professional Nurse Council †¢ Coordinating Council Education Council ï‚ § Collaborates with unit and system councils to identify educational needs, develop educational priorities with appropriate time lines and determine resources for all education impacting the Department of Patient Care Services ï‚ § Disseminates approved educational strategies to unit leaders and support staff ï‚ § Develops and maintains a communication network between unit and systems councils Research & Evidence Based Nursing Practice Council ï‚ § Promotes the spirit of inquiry in clinical nursing practice ï‚ § Evaluates the literature in order to use best practices to transform clinical practice at the point-of-care Quality & Safety Council ï‚ § Provides planned, systematic and collaborative approaches to oversee and direct quality and safety relating to the nursing process, functions and services provided. ï‚ § The council’s scope includes performance improvement and safety measures throughout the Department of Patient Care Services Professional Nurse Council ï‚ § Works to enhance the professional image of nursing within CCHS and the community ï‚ § Supports the spirit of the professional advancement program ï‚ § Identifies and supports implementation of recruitment and retention strategies Coordinating Council ï‚ § Provides overall coordination of the systems councils. ï‚ § Reviews the system strategic plan and adopts the plan for the Department of Patient Care Services and the nursing Shared Decision Making structure. ï‚ § Serves as the portal for other departments or disciplines requiring assistance with the Shared Decision Making structure of nursing. Problem Solving The Old Way †¢ Problem identified by staff and communicated to manager †¢ Manager may or may not have asked for feedback about solutions †¢ Manager made final decision or had final authority for approving a solution Problem Solving The New Way †¢ Staff identify issues and communicate them to the unit council †¢ Unit council formulates a response and communicates this to staff †¢ Staff provide feedback via the comment form. How Does The New Way Work †¢ Unit Council: ï‚ § Collects Data ï‚ § Develops a proposed plan using evidenced based practice ï‚ § Develops a time line ï‚ § Presents Plan for Feedback (Open Comment) ï‚ § Revises Plan Based Upon Feedback ï‚ § Forewards plan to system council, as needed How Does The New Way Work †¢ Unit Council: ï‚ § ï‚ § ï‚ § ï‚ § Implements Plan Evaluates Outcome Report Results to Unit Staff Seeks staff feedback, formally and informally on council’s performance How Does It Work – Problem Solving Methodology †¢ Identify an Issue or a Problem †¢ Gather Data †¢ Design a Solution †¢ Obtain Feedback †¢ Finalize a Proposal †¢ Implement †¢ Evaluate †¢ Report Increased Incidence of Pressure Sores Problem Unit Problem: Unit Council Problem Solving Model Results: Positive Outcomes System Level Practice Research Problem Coordinating Operations Education Problem Solving Model Results: Positive Outcomes Nurse Manager’s Role †¢ Create a climate that is actively supportive and not just tolerant of shared decision making †¢ Facilitate a leaning environment for staff growth and comfort with shared decision making †¢ Support â€Å"release time† for staff to participate in shared decision making activities Nurse Manager’s Role †¢ Share with staff your knowledge of leadership and help staff to minimize implementation barriers †¢ Commit to the â€Å"New Way† Role of Unit Based Council Chair †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Set meetings Develop the agenda Move council to consensus Ensure members participate (per charter) Facilitate group assignments Ensure consensus for decision making Call emergency meetings, as needed Mentor Chair-elect Benefits of Shared Decision Making †¢ Increased Staff Nurse Satisfaction (increased autonomy, increased control over practice, improved communication between nurses, physicians and administration) †¢ Improved Nursing Retention ($90,000 to replace an RN – 2006 Advisory Board) †¢ Improved Patient Safety Outcomes Benefits of Shared Decision Making †¢ Improved collaboration and team Building †¢ Improved quality of care and clinical effectiveness †¢ Increased staff confidence, personal and professional growth †¢ Development of new knowledge and skills †¢ Increased professionalism and accountability Requirements for success†¦. †¢ Place the Patient First and focus on providing the best care possible †¢ Trust and respect is essential †¢ Communicate openly and honestly †¢ Embrace change and strive for improvement †¢ Staff and managers hold each other accountable. †¢ Organizational support of accountability in the performance appraisal process Final Thought Shared decision making is a journey, not an event. It is not achieved overnight, and there is no conclusion – no point when it is fully in place. It only provides a foundation for further growth. Tim Porter-O’Grady

Poetry Essay

Understanding and interpreting poetry requires a different method of reading than the method which is generally associated with prose. While a given poem, especially a lyric poem, may be literally read in a matter of minutes, the comprehension of the poem may take a lifetime. This is due to the extraordinary ability of poets to compress meanings and also develop complex and multi-layered associations of language, figurative language, image, rhyme, and even narrative within a very brief literary forms. Contemplating a poem is as much a part of experiencing it as merely reading a poem. In the hands of a talented and inspired poet, the minimal use of words and the seemingly constricted forms offered by poetry are actually platforms to convey thoughts, themes, and emotions that would find no more complete expression even if given the â€Å"larger† platform of a novel, essay, or even memoir. As an example of this multi-tiered expression that is found in good poetry, Anne Sexton’s poem, â€Å"Starry Night† provides a rich demonstration of how poetry conveys multiple meanings and associations within a minimalist form. To begin with, Sexton’s poem â€Å"The Starry Night† is an exercise in ekphrasis. Ekphrasis is a type of poem written about another art-form. Most often, in poetry, it involves painting. When writing a poems inspired by paintings, poets attempt to make language, image, and meter evoke the same emotional or thematic impact which is delivered by the visual techniques and textures of paintings. In â€Å"The Starry Night,†Anne Sexton was inspired not only by Vincent Van Goght’s painting of the same title, but by a letter the artist wrote to his brother, which contained the epigraph for Sexton’s poem: â€Å"That does not keep me from having a terrible need/of— shall I say the word— religion. Then I go/out at night to paint the stars. † By including the quotation form Van Goght above the body of her poem, Sexton accomplishes a clever bit of compression, in fact: explicating the poem’s theme before a word of the poem, proper, has a chance to even be read by the reader! This sly trick is compatible with Van Gogh’s technique in the painting â€Å"The Starry Night† which discards subtlety in favor of grandeur and obscurity in favor of explicit emotional expression. In the painting we see a night sky crowded with swirling clouds, blazing starts with burning halos and a moon which reflects each of the lunar phases in one image. All of these attributes are exaggerated, pulling the viewer into a setting of epic epiphany and emotional release. Van Goght’s sky is alive and engages the viewer relentlessly. The overall initial experience is one of being overwhelmed by the immensity of cosmic nature. Below a set of rolling hill lies a small town. The focal point of the town is the large church- steeple, which presides over the rest of the buildings. This steeple seems to anchor the town and the rest of the scene beneath the sky, suggesting that it is the religious and spiritual dialogue between humanity and the cosmos which is of the most importance, not the town itself. Similarly, Sexton begins her poem, â€Å"The town does not exist† establishing the primacy of a non-linear mode of perception, as well as setting the stage for the eventual, climactic religious epiphany. Van Gogh painted Starry Night while in an Asylum at Saint-Remy in 1889. According to many sources his behavior was erratic during this period of his life. During his youth, Van Gogh had dedicated his life to the church. Many believe that Genesis 37:9: â€Å"And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me† greatly influenced Van Gogh’s â€Å"The Starry Night. † Sexton, too, carefully reserves the numerical symbolism of the painting in her lines: â€Å"The night boils with eleven stars. /Oh starry starry night! This is how/I want to die! † By repeating the adjective â€Å"starry,† Sexton gains the â€Å"crowded† feeling of Van Gogh’s canvas in her stanza. She grasps the â€Å"living sky† element in the following lines: â€Å"It moves. They are all alive. /Even the moon bulges in its orange irons. † The key to Sexton’s masterful ekphrasis seems to lie in her use of compressed diction: â€Å"The old unseen serpent swallows up the stars. †This, like Van Gogh’s hurried, thick brush stroked invokes a sense of both urgency and passion. Sexton’s use of the refrain â€Å"This is how I want to die! † encapsulates the theme of Van Gogh’s paining, that of religious ecstacy, by merging the erotic/death urge so common in Elizabethan poetry and here marked by an additional shading of surrealism â€Å"sucked up by that great dragon, to split/from my life with no flag. In so doing, Sexton remains true to her confessional mode, also capturing an element which is perhaps understated in Van Gogh’s original, but present nonetheless, a â€Å"confession† of deep loneliness and alienation, marked by the darker swirls of color on the painting’s peripheries and also by the lone black tree, which Sexton describes as â€Å"a drowned woman† marking for posterity her close identification with the emotional confessional and religious themes of Van Gogh’s painting. Sexton’s poem is a wonderful counterpoint to Van Gogh’s painting, a rich example of the artistic and expressive potential of transposing the themes textures and techniques from one art medium to another.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Pay Rolls and Internal Audit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Pay Rolls and Internal Audit - Essay Example No lapses were found in the management of pay roll or audit but the need to strengthen the control and improve the process of payment and audit in order to make process more and more accurate and transparent regarding the payment procedure were suggested. The need of strengthening of control of staff pay roll advances, and the need of obtaining additional and timely information from the HR department to ensure maintenance of better personal records was stressed. There was significant progress achieved through installation of computerized system for this purpose. The process of reviewing and procedures of documenting must take into consideration the gradual computerization of the process along with addressing the issues like leave on loss of pay and the adjustments made for that purpose. There is a need to make arrangements to produce salary statements according to the revised schemes in order to enable payroll department to distribute the sample for verification of major key salary e lements on the personnel data bank. The process of staff pay roll advances can be strengthened through analysis and regular follow up of accounts. The outstanding dues are liable to review and should be brought up to date. The HR department should discuss with Payroll Unit regarding providing a list of appointments, extension, cessations, leave for loss of pay for both regular and contract staff for ensuring a proper tallying of personnel records with pay roll records. If this type of communication is done manually or not done regularly, its effect on HR department will be costly. As the system was computerized it is now possible to obtain this information but there is a need of maintaining a database named personnel information system. Right now the work of personnel information department also was maintained by payroll unit only. This is making the system less efficient and even less accurate due to the non availability of up to date information. Regarding the large number of alternate arrangements due to absence of staff, non appointment of regular staff, the lack of staff due to leaves on loss of pay; they involve an increment in cost to the company. Necessary steps were not taken to regularize the monitoring on these things and even to reduce the increment of pay due to these arrangements. The review of payments processed by payment authorities is also important. This type of reviews result in strengthening control over travel expensed by reviewing travel claims and assurance that all travel is verified to feasible extent. The airline boarding passes, train tickets verification must be reviewed. The review can cover the travel expenses of permanent travelers, frequent travelers and the personnel traveling less often. The differences in the procedures must be studied and the verification process can be done with the knowledge of pay roll department to avoid complications as they will be in constant contact with the data base of all the staff. ( if the data base was provided. A recommendation for that type of data base was done earlier in the paper. No information of existing database was given in the information of the company) The proposal of informing the instructions issued to managers of different departments who approve the payments to pay toll department can be mooted to make two obligations between payroll and internal audit more reasonable. This makes the pay roll

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Legal Monopolies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Legal Monopolies - Essay Example The USPS enjoys certain exclusive rights in the regulation of its services, most of which have been placed to discourage potential competition like the private mailboxes. Further, the agency is exempted from any tax cuts, implying that innocent citizens through its lines of credit shoulder most of its operations. With the existence of the monopoly status, however, the citizens have enjoyed exclusive services, which are reliable and serve the whole country without discrimination or regional imbalance. With the backing of the state resources, the USPS continues to serve the American population through the delivery of mails in convenient ways and at affordable prices to the average citizens. However, a closer analysis reveals the incompetent nature accompanying legal monopolies, mainly owing to the low quality services that are associated with their activities. Critics have argued that the privatization of the institution would ensure that it provides better services to the citizens, an d that it increases its efficiency. Indeed, there should be regulations to control the boundary of activities for the legal monopoly as the first step towards transparency and resolution of problems that have continued to face existing monopolies. An analysis of the mail market reveals that the lack of competition has contributed to the deteriorating nature in the quality of services provided. (Feulner) contends that,† Competition would bring down prices, and the post office would have to become more responsive to customers if it wanted to survive†.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Construction Law and Dispute Resolution in the Firm Essay

Construction Law and Dispute Resolution in the Firm - Essay Example In all given circumstances the sub contractor is expected to oblige the stipulations of another entity’s contract. Based on the business conditions or other such stipulations the sub contractor may assume many forms through which he fulfils the instilled obligations of the Employer or main Contractor. In most given circumstances the sub contractor is hired by a general contractor in order to execute specific project objectives. The general contractor generally pays out the sub contractor as per accepted conditions. A general or main contractor may also hire sub contractors in order to mitigate project risks or to reduce the costs. Using this approach the general or main contractor is able to provide better service through lowered costs along with lowered risk on their part. In general construction practice the sub contractors in question are often employed by the same general or main contractors allowing the sub contractor to develop essential expertise. However, there are dif fering legal stipulations when it comes to dealing with different forms of contractors. These can be better understood if the types of sub contractors are classified. This text will attempt to discern the change when a domestic subcontractor is changed into a nominated subcontractor as per the UAE Civil Code and English common law. 2. Sub Contractor Types Sub contractors can be classified in a number of ways but this text will consider classification based on the JCT standard form of contracts1 because the FIDIC method of classifying sub contractors is rather limited. The classified types of sub contractors are2: Domestic subcontractor is any subcontractor who enters into contract with the main contractor in order to provide any goods or services that were required under the main contract. These subcontractors can be seen as employees of the main contractor. Nominated subcontractor is any subcontractor who has been approved of by recommendation from the Engineer, Designer or Archite ct. The main contractor is nonetheless allowed to profit from these subcontracts even if approval stems from the original Employer’s end. Furthermore, the main contractor is responsible for providing the subcontractor attendance including water and power along with other required amenities. Typically the nominated subcontractor is a direct employee of the original Employer. Named subcontractors are effectively the same as domestic subcontractors and are beyond the scope of this discourse. What is the level of liability of the subcontractor? According to the FIDIC red book’s Clause 4.43, the subcontractor cannot be provided with the entire contract for work agreed between the Employer and the main Contractor. If this were done then it would become hard to differentiate between the legal status of the main contractor and the subcontractor. Furthermore, if this were the case then the contention behind subcontracting to minimise risk by distributing it would be lost altoge ther. Thus it can be positively be identified that subcontracting involves transfer of risks as per the dominant view on the issue. However, as per Clause 4.4 of the FIDIC red book the Contractor â€Å"shall be responsible for the acts or defaults of any Subcontractor†4.  

Monday, August 26, 2019

Recommendation Grading Schema (NA) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Recommendation Grading Schema (NA) - Essay Example The Johnson Law Group is undergoing growth and expansion in its size and diversification of areas of business coverage, which has introduced some confusion and disorientation of both the employees and the management, due to the sudden introduction of many changes that are not easily adaptable. This has threatened the performance of the law firm, while also creating discontent among its employees. This calls for immediate strategies that can be applied to address the situation. Therefore, this discussion seeks to recommend several strategies that can be applied to help The Johnson Law Group in its growth and change management. Communication This is a very vital strategy that should be applied by The Johnson Law Group, to address the issue of inter-departmental conflicts. Communication is fundamental for any business seeking to succeed, since it enhances the smoothness of all operations (Dervitsiotis, 109). Considering that there is a looming conflict between different departments of t he Johnson Law Group, effective communication can help to address this issue, through enabling the departments to streamline the flow of information, and thus ensure that there are no blame games between different departments. ... This serves to increase the discontent, disorientation and confusion amongst the other stakeholders, prompting them to resist the change. Creating and reinforcing the sense of ownership and responsibility The Johnson Law Group which was initially a small firm operating under family dynamics, is now transforming into a corporate entity, with the diversification of its areas of business and the expansion of the firm in terms of the number of employees. This change is certainly bound to create some problems, since accommodating the new approach to the running and management of the firm is not easy for the previous employees. This necessitates the introduction of a sense of ownership and responsibility, where the employees and the whole management team is made to uphold the introduction of change as a necessity for the well being of the organization and its overall stakeholders (Dervitsiotis, 122). This entails making the management and the employees ready to take responsibility for the introduction, management and execution of change, through placing them in charge of the whole process. Whenever the different stakeholders within an organization are involved directly in the change introduction and management process, as opposed to being required to implement the change, the stakeholders are motivated to feel as part of the change, and are committed to see it happen, since they are well integrated and informed on the benefits of the change (Parsons and Adelina, 233). Thus, incorporating all the major stakeholders in the change introduction and management will assist The Johnson Law Group to successfully implement the change. Align

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 6

Leadership - Essay Example 2003). The purpose of this paper is to describe the topic of leadership through applications and theory. Leadership plays an important role in the political game. Barack Obama won the presidency of the United States due to the fact that he was a transformational leader. â€Å"Transformational leaders are generally energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate† (Cherry, 2013). A transformational leader cares about the needs of his followers. The four key components of transformational leadership are intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, idealized influence, and inspirational motivation (Cherry, 2013). A firm led by a transformational leader has greater chance to succeed due to the ability of this person to motivate and inspire others. Two important leader styles are charismatic leadership and transactional leadership. A transactional leader does the necessary tasks to ensure his subordinates perform their job to a satisfactory level. Charismatic leader involves crea ting an inspirational self image that makes people drawn to you (Changingminds, 2013). An example of a charismatic leader is Steve Jobs. The managerial profession requires leadership skills to successfully perform the job. Managers are responsible for their actions and for the actions of their subordinates. An important skill that a leader must possess to be effective is excellent verbal and written communication skills. A person that does not possess superb communication skills cannot be a leader. Communication skills can be developed through education initiatives and training and development. Another important factor that can improve a person’s communication skills is active listening. â€Å"Active listening skills are conversational techniques that enable better understanding and more productive communication† (Palkoner, 2013). Listening well to what others have to say can help a leader recognize the needs and concerns of the work staff. Employees that are heard bui lt a greater bond of trust with the managerial staff. The ultimate goal for a leader is to achieve synergy. Synergy occurs when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The performance of a company is enhanced if it has a good leader in charge of the firm. Bill Gates is an example of a leader that started out small, but due to his superb decision making and leadership skills he turn Microsoft into the market leader in the software industry. A good leader recognizes that teamwork and cooperation are keys to success. The greatest ideas are often hidden in the minds of the floor workers because they are constantly exposed to the manufacturing operations of the firm. Exceptional leaders obtain input from the workers to then use that input in the decision making process. Input can be obtained directly or anonymously. Direct input is gathered by talking to specific employees in private or openly during employee meetings. A way to collect indirect input is by placing a feedback box in the premises of the company. A feedback box is useful only if management seriously considers implementing the ideas of the workers. People are not born leaders instead they acquire leadership skills through experience and education. Unique work experiences such as serving in

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Adopting Plans Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Adopting Plans - Research Paper Example 114). For instance, an emergency plan for a city may be detailed and require large resources to be implemented. However, a plan for an institution such as a school may be small since it covers a small area and thus requires fewer resources. Although disasters occur unexpectedly some of them can be predicted as a result of past incidences. For instance, emergency operation plans for areas which are prone to natural disasters such as tornadoes or earthquakes may not be the same (Gallant, 2008, p.86). This is because the measures taken to tackle such kind of disasters are different. Therefore planners should conduct an assessment of their jurisdiction to determine the possible emergencies they may face and how they plan to tackle them (Alexander, 2002, p. 182). Finally, it is important for emergency planners to design their own plans because different locations or facilities differ in terms of physical design of their premises. In case of an emergency, the plan should outline the escape routes; identify safe areas where people should go and possible sources of medical aid (Gallant, 2008,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Macroeconomics and Microeconomics - Microfinance Research Paper

Macroeconomics and Microeconomics - Microfinance - Research Paper Example The paper focuses on microfinance activities meeting the cause of women in the countries like Kenya, South Africa, and Ghana. Microfinance in Kenya ACCA (2011) states that the microfinance activities in Kenya got its foothold in '80s but it expanded rapidly after Microfinance Intermediaries Act came into force in the year 2006. The microfinance intermediaries (MFIs) operate under regulatory framework called Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). As per EIU, Kenya offers one of the best business environments for MFIs. Reece (2011) describes about the organizational power of women in Kenya who without enough government help are building financial resources and security for them. As such, only 20 percent of the population in Kenya is in the position to open a bank account or do any transaction with the banks. Rose Olouch, a village woman, is quite vocal in stating that Kenyan women are capable of empowering themselves. She leads the group of 20 women who among themselves save, loan and cont ribute towards group insurance fund to meet emergencies. Women dominate in decision making process with regard to village and home finances. Small savings and loan groups provide basic level of financing to the low-income groups. Such groups meet monthly to carry out essential activities maintaining a strict discipline in the gathering. The Women’s Enterprise Development Institute (WEDI) is the largest organization serving some 20,000 clients. The WEDI's operations are based on the managed-ASCA model. Women take loan from the ASCA. Each member contributes Ksh100 as monthly saving and they can withdraw it on notice. Members are eligible for the dividend at the end of the year. The ASCA does charge management fees depending upon the funds handled. At least 45% of WEDI groups operate in areas with population density of 200 persons per square km. Further, most of the WEDI groups operate in the areas where poverty incidence is between 20 and 40 percent of the population. Johnson, et al. argues that decentralized models have advantages in reaching poorer and remote areas. WEDI client portfolio includes women from the poorest strata of the society. WEDI’s clients are involved in the activities of farming and producing cash crops such as coffee, beans. They also run retail shops in and indulge into buying and selling of fruits and cereals. Usually, women clients save nearly Ksh 100 per month and take the benefit of small loans from WEDI. WEDI generates enough income from the loans offered so as to sustain its operational expenses (Johnson, Malkamak, and Wanjau, p.11) The Women’s Enterprise Development Company Ltd (WEDCO) is another NGO Microfinance institution operating in the Kenya. Women in rural areas are offered credits by them for their small business activities. WEDCO provides loans for varied purpose including school fees loans and to meet other contingencies. WEDCO serves approximately 12,000 clients in a large geographical area (Johnson, Malkamak, & Wanjau, p.10). Status of Microfinance in South Africa The Microfinance market in South Africa started in the '80s and then it was made up of NGOs and for-profit companies. Until at least 1994 microfinance market in South Africa had a few commercial and not-for-profit lenders but there after microfinance mark

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Research Paper

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Research Paper Example PPACA will impact small, medium, and large businesses. In addition, this paper brings into light the impact of PPACA on the current and future employees in small, medium, and large businesses. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is a health care reform act officially signed into law by Barrack Obama, the current president of the United States (Timby and Smith 4). PPACA is also referred to as Obamacare. This act was drafted with the main objective of making available a cost effective or inexpensive health care to individuals in the U.S. who until that time could not afford health care insurance. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cited by Timby and Smith shows that "Prior to its passage, approximately 47 million Americans had no access to healthcare, and another 30 million had inadequate healthcare coverage" (4). It is of significance to note that those individuals already covered by healthcare insurance before the enactment of PPACA ar e likely to observe only slight changes in terms of their health insurance coverage. (Timby and Smith 4). Estimates explicated by Timby and Smith shows that approximately 32 million individuals in the United States were anticipated to have healthcare coverage by the year 2014 as a result of Obamacare (4). There are a number of issues stipulated in the PPACA act. Firstly, the act obligates individuals in the U.S. who can afford health insurance to pay for their cover or otherwise pay a fine (Timby and Smith 4).

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Lord of the Flies both deal with mans struggle to control his inner evil Essay Example for Free

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Lord of the Flies both deal with mans struggle to control his inner evil Essay How do the authorss show this struggle? In the strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson presents mans struggle to control his inner evil through Jekyll but the evil comes out in Hyde. Dr Jekyll is a fine upstanding member of the community and Mr Hyde is still Jekyll but he has no conscience and no sense of responsibility and so goes on wild evil rampages, I am going to explore how Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde show their evils. Dr Jekyll is a moral and religious man and has a conscience but he is attracted to the violence and freedom of Hyde and for him turning into Hyde is like a drug, he is addicted. Dr Jekyll is in a constant struggle with Hyde for control if I am the chief of sinners I am the chief of sufferers also, which shows the constant torment he is in yet he still drinks the drug. Before the smile was struck out of his face and succeeded by an expression of abject terror and despair, as froze the blood of the two gentleman below, this shows that Jekyll is scared of turning into Hyde and it also gives a picture of the ferocity of Hyde. Jekyll becomes weak from Hyde and eventually Hyde takes over completely Dr Jekyll, looking deadly sick. He did not rise to meet his visitor, but held out a cold hand and bade him welcome in a changed voice, this shows that Hyde is slowly trying to kill Jekyll. Jekyll decided to kill Hyde Utterson, I swear to god Utterson I am done with him in this world,I cannot say that I care what becomes of Hyde I am quite done with him, Utterson says to Jekyll he meant to murder you, which shows that Jekyll is good to have got rid of Hyde but Jekyll still takes the potion and Hyde continues his torments and Eventually kills Jekyll. God knows I am careless this is my true hour of death and what is to follow concerns another than myself, that was Jekylls final transformation before his death. Edward Hyde is the beast that takes Henry Jekyll over he is a small deformed man the man seems hardly human troglodytic shall we say, I read Satans signature upon a face, like a monkey, these all describe Hyde it is like Hyde is a step back in evolution. Hyde is also very fast it went so quick, with extraordinary quickness, these both show the speed oh Hyde so we now that he is animal like and very quick, he is also very savage as he has no conscience for the man trampled calmly over the childs body and left her screaming on the ground, really like Satan, these both show his ferocity, there are also a lot of satanic references to Hyde which suggests that he is the work of the devil. Other people perceive Hyde as being a juggernaut, without the bowels of mercy, a spirit of enduring hatred, which shows that he disgusts them. Hyde hates Jekyll because he thinks he is weak and pathetic but he still fears Jekyll because he knows that Jekyll has the power to cut him off by suicide how he fears my power to cut him off by suicide, blasphemies on the pages of my books, burning letters and destroying the portrait of my father, by doing these things Hyde is trying to demoralise Jekyll because it seems that the weaker Jekyll gets the stronger Hyde gets. As Jekyll gets ill Hyde feeds off his weakness making himself stronger the powers of Hyde have grown stronger with the sickliness of Jekyll, this shows that Hyde is very powerful and can force Jekyll to do anything. I think at first Jekyll finds Hyde exciting and adventurous and he loves the feeling of having no conscience. Jekyll and Hyde are like polar twins, being the same yet very opposite. Jekyll also has biblical references because the thrill of Hyde tempts him like the tree in the bible tempts Adam and Eve. This story shows that man has always been evil it is just hidden behind a mask and Hyde pulled this mask from Jekyll revealing the evil inside after all they are the same person. Lord of the Flies is much the same as Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde because they both deal with mans struggle to control his inner evil, but however in Lord of the Flies it is children who are evil and not adults like in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, so does this show that you are born evil? It certainly challenges the idea that you are born free from sin, as some of the children in Lord of the Flies are from private schools and you would think to be better brought up and you could say somewhat shielded from the world, but the children who were from a public education system behaved better and tried to overthrow to the evil that lay on the island. Lord of the flies shows emotions through its characters, Piggy who represents conscience and logic, Simon who represents Jesus and Jack and Ralph who are the leaders of the two gangs (good and evil). At the beginning of the novel it is hard to differentiate between the good and bad people because they have all just met each other and are all trying to out do each other in a bid to be popular but does this in itself show that maybe they are all evil? When the two gangs split up and start living separately its like Jekyll and Hyde because its like one gang is Jekyll and the other gang Hyde and as the story goes on the Hyde gang tries to kill the Jekyll gang. Also the Hyde gang use masks when hunting for food body held up a mask that drew their eyes and appalled them. He began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling, this shows that by putting masks on they are acting like Hyde transforming them from laughter to being snarling and bloodthirsty. Jack hid liberated from shame and self consciousness, this is exactly How Jekyll feels When he transforms in to Hyde because he is liberated from all consciousness and feels free to do whatever he wants. When Jacks gang are wearing these masks they launch attacks on Ralphs gang, the results of which end up in the death of Piggy, so all conscience and logic is removed and then as all they are removed we see the breakdown of their community and the good gang becomes equally as vicious as the bad gang showing that evil is like a disease that cant be healed and just keeps spreading. Simon also dies of an epileptic shock and this signifies that as he is the Jesus figure surely all hope and good is lost now, this is like when Jekyll becomes so ill he lets Hyde take over he was so frail he only raised a hand to bade him a welcome, and shows that there is no going back now evil has taken a strong hold on the island and can only get worse, good can no longer triumph over evil. When the navy finally rescues the boys nobody knows what has happened the island and they can only assume that the missing boys were killed in the plane crash. This shows mans naivety and arrogance to think that young innocent boys couldnt have brutally murdered one boy and left another to die, this reflects Jekyll and Hyde by the way in which nobody realises that a fine upstanding member of the community could possibly be a murderer although it is without his knowing but the boys on the island are young and you could say that without their parents and rules, they cant differentiate between right and wrong. Jekyll and Hyde was written in the Victorian times and it does challenge the idea of inner evil but good eventually wins because in the Victorian times people were moral and blind to the evil lurking before them and so sin was eventually killed in Jekyll and Hyde. In Lord of the Flies however you could say the evil triumphs which is the case in todays modern society, but the children are rescued from the evil they have created which you could argue that maybe good triumphs over evil after all. Both authors say that evil is in us and not around us and that without rules evil will show itself more fully. Evil is a tempting attractive power that gives you freedom but if you are truly evil can you be truly happy? We all see evil but can we see our own? Maybe these novels are trying to show us that maybe we should look inside ourselves and see if we are truly evil or is evil just something we use as an excuse to hurt people?

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Comparison of Housing Loans from SBM and UBI

Comparison of Housing Loans from SBM and UBI This research article is aimed to compare and critically analyse the housing loan schemes offered by State Bank of Mysore and Union Bank of India, Bangalore Branch, India OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY To recognize and evaluate literature relevant to the theories of home loans. To evaluate the general awareness of the various schemes currently offered by HFCs / banks and the purpose of which housing loan are given. To perform comparative analysis for housing loan schemes for State Bank of India and Union Bank of India. To study the documentation process in HFCs (Housing Finance Companies) and critically evaluate problem faced by clients during the process of lending housing finance in banks. To assess and suggest appropriate Conclusions and Recommendations with regards to housing loan schemes offered by SBM or UBI Bank to the customers. Introduction This article explains the housing loan schemes offered by banks in order to bolster the current housing finance situation in India and to taper down the margin between the housing demand and the availability of houses, The National Housing Bank was set up in the year 1988. This was done by keeping in mind that a home seeker though does have a desire for a house but lacks the resources for construction or buying it. To give an enhancement to private housing finance institutions the National Housing Bank came into the picture. It is a principal agency to promote housing finance institutions both at local and regional levels and to provide financial and other support to such institutions. While it is important to keep in mind that the National housing Bank itself does not give loans or finance individuals or a party as such. It is only a corporate body to promote, establish, support or aid the housing finance institutions.   India have been serving the people for around three decades and providing various housing loan schemes according to the customers various needs at attractive and reasonable interest rates. In order to facilitate the best housing loan schemes at the least interest rate this research article will help in critically evaluating and comparing the schemes of housing loan for two banks i.e. State Bank Of India and Union Bank of India, Bangalore, India in order to know the best offers provided by the banks as well their performances in order to retain in competition within marketplace. This research article analyses the effectiveness and efficiency of housing loan schemes provided by SBM and UBI bank which will provide its customers a attractive interest rates in on housing loan. Company Overview of SBM and UBI State Bank of Mysore was formed as Bank of Mysore Ltd. in 1913 under the benefaction of the former Government. Of Mysore, on the illustration of the banking commission headed by the great Engineer-Statesman,  Late Dr. Sir M.Visvesvaraya. Subsequently, in March 1960, the Bank became an Associate of State Bank of India. State Bank of India holds 92.33% of shares. The Banks shares are listed in Bangalore, Chennai, and Mumbai stock exchanges. Branch Network The Bank has a widespread network of six hundred eighty two only (682) branches (as on 30.09.2009) and 20 extension counters spread all over India which includes 5 specialised SSI branches, 4 Industrial Finance branches, 3 Corporate Accounts Branches, 4 specialised Personal Banking Branches, 10 Agricultural Development Branches, 3 Treasury branches, 1 Asset Recovery Branch and 8 Service Branches, offering wide range of services to the customers. Human Resources The Bank has a dedicated workforce of 9720 employees consisting of 3169 supervisory staff, 6551 non-supervisory staff (as on 31.03.2008). The skill and competence of the employees have been kept updated to meet the requirement of our customers keeping in view the changes in the environment. (Source: Union Bank of India UBI Bank is consistently dedicated to bind and maintain its distinctiveness as a foremost, pioneering cost-effective Bank, by means of a down to business approach to the shifting requirements of the general public. A extensive scale of goods and services has been resulted and also made accessible to its precious customers to cater the least of their requirements. Today, with its well-organized, value-added services, continual intensification, reliable productivity and expansion of innovative technology, UBI bank has ensured comprehensive shopper delight, keeping up its image,  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“GOOD QUALITY POPULACE TO BANK WITHâ‚ ¬?.   The key to the triumph of any organisation lies with its personnel or manpower. No wonder, UBI dedicated tem of dynamic and enthusiastic skilled personnel consists of 26000 thousand employee who contribute to the maximum in order to ensure growth for UBI. The bank went for Initial Public offer (IPO) on 20th august 2002 which was followed by the publi c offer made on February 2006.Government of India holds fifty five percent (55.43%) share capital of Union Bank the current share capital holding of the bank is forty four point five seven percent 44.57 % which includes Individuals and Others. Reason behind choosing the topic for the study Housing is the one of the main priority sector needs a lot attention now days the interest rate of the housing loan is raising very high customers are worried about the rates due to indefinite fluctuation. This study is about the comparison of the various schemes and the interest rate of the two banks State Bank of Mysore and Union Bank of India. After this study we will be able to know that which bank is more convenient in the lending of loan. Different schemes of the bank are convenient in different manner according to customers priority. The study is important also in case of comparison of the many other banks schemes to these two banks. Literature Review Meaning of Loan: Loan is a method of lending under which bank gives credit to a borrower for a fixed period and for a specific purpose. Loan are promises for future payment, they have to be repaid in periods beyond a year and are therefore long-term liabilities 3.3Types of Loan: Generally bank grant loans for different period like shorts, medium and long and for different purpose. Broadly, the loans granted by banks are classified follows Bank Loans (1) Short-term Loans: Short-term loans are granted to meet the working capital needs of the borrowers. These loans are granted against the securities of tangible assets mainly the movable assets like goods and commodities, share debenture, etc. (2) Term Loans: Medium and long-term loans are usually called term loans. These loans are granted for more than a year and are meant for purchase of capital assets for the establishment of new units and for expansion or diversification of an existing unit. Loan Procedure: Generally various banks adopt following procedure for loan. Appraisal of Loan Submit the Application Documentation Convene to loan applicant To Issue Draft or Pay order Submit the Application: First of all the loan borrower should submit application to the particular bank. The borrower is required to fill out a common application form, which seeks comprehensive information about proprietors and loan borrowers back ground and his business network and as well as his cost of project and economic consideration. Appraisal of Loan: The bank follows good appraisal system for effective lending and to make easy repay in future way. The main task of the lending bank is to make sure that the income generated from the loan is sufficient to repay the loan installments according to the terms and conditions of amortization. The risk involved in term lending is much more than the risk in short-term lending because the loans are given to new undertaking, or for the modernization and expansion of existing undertaking and for loan period. Before sanctioning any loan a banker should assure himself that the borrowing concern shall be able to earn sufficient income to pay the loan installments. The methods of analysis and standard to be adopted for an appraisal of loan are more similar to investment decision than to short-term lending. The appraisal of loan included projection of future trends of output, sales estimated of costs, returns and flow of funds. It is extremely difficult to have a clever cut formula for the appraisal of term loan since many factors have to be considered such as the type of borrowing bank and its activities, the markets potential, its management, and financial position. The amount of loan and the period of its repayment. Another important factor is whether to give weight age to profitability or to its broad economic significance in the development of the economy. A term loan may be appraised by considering four different aspects of the proposal. They are: Technical feasibility Economic feasibility Managerial competence Financial feasibility Documentation: After completing the step of submit the application and appraisal system of loan. Then loan applicant should collect the document for borrowing loan, every documents and requirement are needed according to the co-operative bank rate. If the loan applicant wants to borrow loan of huge amount, so at a time strong documents are presented by loan applicant against bank like evident of shareholders, original and photocopy of propertys documents, photocopy last three years income tax returns file, etc. if loan applicants has no any recommendation from share holder so firstly the bank becoming share holders of his bank by issuing share to them, so above types of documents are used to borrow loan and advances from the bank. Convene to Loan Application: After collecting the necessary documents, an officer of the recipient bank review it to ascertain whether it is complete for processing, when the application is considered complete. Then the co-operative bank held meeting of his loan applicant and sanctioned the particular loan. Generally this meeting is convened on Monday and Thursdays in every week. Otherwise expected it in other contingent situation and gives date, day and time for delaying particular meeting. To Issue Draft or Pay order: At the last stage is that, after convening of loan applicant and sanctioning loan, borrower should pay its stamp duty, margin and one installment of loan, then in the stamp document or stamp procedure. Then bank gives to them pay order or draft. If the any loan borrowers want to purchase machinery or vehicle from out of city so he need quotation of that particular company, and finally bank made draft of companys name otherwise if the quotation of city area so at a time the co-operative bank made pay order of companys name. Them it gives to company through loan applicant. Thus above procedure is followed by the loan applicant, who wants to borrow loan from banks and satisfied his goal or objectives. 1.) In December 2006 Fulbag Singh and Reema Sharma had studied about the housing Finance in India. Housing, as one of the three basic needs of life, always remains on the top priority of any person, economy, government and society at large. In India, majority of the population lives in slums and shabby shelters in rural areas. From the last decade, the Government of India has been continuously trying to strengthen the housing sector by introducing various housing loan schemes for rural and urban population. The first attempt in this regard was the National Housing Policy (NHP), which was introduced in 1988. The National Housing Bank (NHB) was set up in 1988 as an apex institution for housing finance and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The main objective of the bank is to promote and establish the housing financial institutions in the country as well as to provide refinance facilities to housing finance corporations and scheduled commercial banks. Moreover, f or the salaried section, the tax rebates on housing loans have been introduced. The paper is based on the case study of LIC Housing Finance Ltd., which analyzes region-wise disbursements of individual house loans, their portfolio amounts and the defaults for the last ten years, i.e., from 1995-96 to 2004-05 by working out relevant ratios in terms of percentages and the compound annual growth rates. A relevant chart has also been prepared to highlight the results. 2) In May 18, 2007 Michael La Cour-Little had studied about the Economic Factors Affecting Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Reporting. The public release of the 20042005 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data raised a number of questions given the increase in the number and percentage of higher-priced home mortgage loans and continued differentials across demographic groups. Here we assess three possible explanations for the observed increase in 2005 over 2004: (1) changes in lender business practices; (2) changes in the risk profile of borrowers; and (3) changes in the yield curve environment. Results suggest that after controlling for the mix of loan types, credit risk factors, and the yield curve, there was no statistically significant increase in reportable volume for loans originated directly by lenders during 2005, though indirect, wholesale originations did significantly increase. Finally, given a model of the factors affecting results for 2004-2005, we predict that 2006 results will c ontinue to show an increase in the percentage of loans that are higher priced when final numbers are released in September 2007 3.) â‚ ¬Ã…“The housing finance market has been consistently exhibiting rapid growth in the past few years. Growth has been largely concentrated on urban areas and in the middle to high income groups, focusing on the salaried class. This growth was partly fuelled by the entry of commercial banks seeking asset growth in a sluggish business environment coupled with the tax incentives on housing loans. The banks, with their lower cost of funds, extensive branch network, capability to provide a range of personal banking services and aided by the average low default rates in housing finance, could expand the market considerably. They however, continued to focus on middle to higher income groups. Lower income groups, self employed and the rural population are by and large excluded. While the middle and higher income groups may continue to access conventional housing finance, increasing attention will need to be paid to the needs of the underservedâ‚ ¬?. (Source: Saravanan P. Recent Experiences in the Housing Finance Sector A Study with Reference to India.  Housing Finance International  [serial online]. September 2007; 21(5):45-48. Available from: Business Source Complete, Ipswich, MA. Accessed June 17, 2010) 4.) The innovations in housing finance systems in advanced economies over the past two decades have altered the role of housing sector in business cycle and in the monetary transmission mechanism. It concludes that these changes have spilovers from the hosuing sector to the rest of the economy and have amplified their impact by strengthening the role of housing as collateral. This analysis suggests in economies were developed mortgage markets, monetary policymakers may need to respond over aggressively to developments in housing sectors, within a risk-management approach that treats house price dynamics as one of the key factors to be considered in assuming balnce of risks to output and influence. (Source: World Economic Outlook(International Monetary fund), 2008, ISBN 978-1-58906-719-6) 5.) Today, the housing finance market has evolved into an oligolpolistic structure (SSKI, 20606) with three dominant providers-DFC, the largest housing company, ICICI bank the largest private sector bank, State Bank of India the largest bank in country. According to SSKI India research estimation in 200, the three leading housing credit providers accounted for approximately 75 of the market. Only a few foreign banks are involved and they tend to focus on High net worth individuals.Towards the end of 2005, India saw a graduate inching uo of interest rates. Despite this, close to 85 % of housing credit customers still prefer floating rate of interest.(Source: Housing Finance mechanism in India, 2008, ISBN- 978-92-1-131970-5, [emailprotected] United Nations Human Settlement Programme 2008) 6.) â‚ ¬Ã…“As per a article report published in wall street the trend in housing sector in India as on February 20,2008 were heading for a slowdown. The withdrawal of an Initial Public offering (IPO) by Emaar MGF Pvt. Ltd is an indication of difficulties companies worldwide are having in tapping market. (Source: Kilbinger, Sara Seddon. India Faces Housing Slowdown.  Wall Street Journal Eastern Edition  20 Feb. 2008: B7.  Business Source Complete. EBSCO. Web. 17 June 2010) 7.) â‚ ¬Ã…“The housing market in the Indian metropolitan city of Bangalore. Some problems of housing finance from the viewpoints of families and of public authorities are indicated. It is argued that it is these financial problems that make access difficult for the poorer half of the population of Bangalore to forms of housing other than inner city slums or urban fringe informal housing. Public housing with its unrealistic standards of service provision, but especially its high initial access costs is not well designed to meet the needs of the majority of families. The paper concludes that unless public housing authorities emulate the private housing market they will continue to play a marginal role in housing in a city such as Bangalore. There are signs that this is happening in India with experimentation in both housing finance and lower service standard. (Source: Blore, Ian. Housing and the working class in an Indian metropolis.  Public Administration Development  9.5 (1 989): 557-568.Business Source Complete. EBSCO. Web. 17 June 2010.) 8.) The housing sector in India for several decades faced a number of set-backs, such as an unorganized market, development disparities, a compartmentalized development approach and a deterrent rent control system. There was not even a concerted attempt to understand the housing problem let alone promote it. Reforms introduced in the sector during the 1990s, however, have overturned the situation to a great extent. The designing of a shelter policy, the organization of the housing finance market, the introduction of fiscal incentives, increased public investment, legal reforms and others initiatives have brought about a number of changes in the housing sector. Interestingly, these changes have been concerned with both reducing the housing shortage and increasing the number of quality housing stock besides increased access to various other housing amenities like safe drinking water, good sanitation and household electricity. However, the reform initiatives of the housing sector need t o take deep roots and to go a long way to address the growing incidence of sub-standard and dilapidated housing stock for further minimizing the deprivations of housing amenities. This paper considers a few policy options towards addressing the challenges of the housing sector. (Source: Mahadeva M. Reforms in housing sector in India: impact on housing development and housing amenities.  Habitat International[serial online]. September 2006;30(3):412-433. Available from: Business Source Complete, Ipswich, MA. Accessed June 17, 2010) OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF THE CONCEPT EMI- Equated Monthly Installment is what a loaner pays the Banks every month towards repayment of loan. It is comprises of principle and interest. EMI = L * r (1 + r) n x 1 (1 + r) n â‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 1 12 Interest rate- It is the amount which banks charge along with the principal amount per year on the basis of fixed rate or floating rate. UBI- Union Bank of India SBM- State Bank of Mysore HFC- Housing Finance Company METHODOLOGY The study dwells on both secondary and primary data. The primary data is collected through interviewing staffs of the banks, secondary data is collected through past details of the Housing finance structure, reports, pamphlets, brochures etc Primary research is form of research which includes the gathering of new data using an acknowledged research method. This could be in form of opinion poll, questionaaire, telephonic interviews or personal interview etc For this research article the author has chosen to carry out primary research by collecting data in form of questionnaire or by interviewing SBM and UBI with the support of bank officials or staff members of bank. Secondary Research is referred to data which is not a original creation. This form of data is already available to a researcher in order to carry out the research process in form of websites, journals or newspapers or company annual reports. How Primary data can be collected: 1.) Questionnaire or Opinion Polls: Questionnaire or opinion polls are intended to gather primary data from a sample taken into consideration, with a aim to critically evaluate or analyse the data in form of tabulated results e.g. stastical data or even by simplifying the results in form of a inference of the numeric data. Questionnaire can be performed in several ways such as telephonic interview, Emails, Online surveys or face to face. These methods of opinion polls are elaborated in broader perspective: Telephone interview: This is the most important and widely accepted method of collecting the original and accurate data for resolving the complex issues and providing the accurate solutions. Merit: From the author point of view the main merit of this method is that its more time consuming and a person can explain views more easily which they cannot do sometime face to f ace. Demerit: The demerit of this method could be that the rejection for telephonic interview which doesnt allow the researcher to receive any data for the research. Online Surveys: Surveys nowadays most commonly and widely accepted method of research as it can be presented in many dimension and can be analysed and interpreted based on the requirement of the person and also can be presented in form of tabulation sheets or some analytical software. Merit: This method is very advantageous as a researcher can have a global access from the respondent and its more faster and accurate and easy to administer. Demerit: For this method to have access a user must be well versed with computers as well as its more global method a user should ahve access to internet so that could be a biggest drawback in order to collect data if the respondent dont have knowledge or access to these resources. Personal interview: This form of method is acceptable by everyone as its being designed and implemented based on the convenience of the respondent. A respondent can choose their timing to answer the questionnaires as well its helps in solving the complex issues as it provides the accurate data as well a discussion about the analysis of data from the respondent Merit: The main advantage of face-to-face or direct interviews is that the researcher can accommodate the questions as necessary, classify doubts and ensure that the responses are properly understood, by repeating or rephrasing the questions. The researcher can identify nonverbal clues from the respondent. Disadvantages: The main disadvantage of face-to-face interviews is that geographical limitations may impose restrictions on the surveys and the vast resources that would be needed if such surveys need to be done nationally or internationally. Respondents may feel uneasy about their privacy of their responses when they interact face-to-face with the interviewer. Postal Interview: The most commonly used method of distribution which is fairly easy to administer. The questionnaire and the covering letter will be posted to the sample, usually with a prepaid envelope for returning the completed questionnaire. For this medium short questionnaire will be used. Advantages: A wide geographical area can be covered with the use of postal interview. The respondents use their convenience to fill the form at their own pace. Anonymity of respondents is high. Disadvantages: Any doubts that respondents have cannot be clarified. The return rates of mail questionarres are typically low. Follow up procedures for non responses are necessary in postal interviews. Sampling: Survey provides representative information about a group from which sample was drawn. This qualitative research will involve nonrandom sampling or non-probability sampling where everyone in the population will not have an equal chance to be chosen as part of a sample. The non-probability samples provide good estimates of a population characteristic. Target Population: The target population of my sample will include all bank employees of IS bank. The recruitment of individuals for participation will require the selection of individuals who are employees of IS bank. The sample for the research survey will be selected mostly by these methods: Convenience Sampling: This will be used to identify bank employees who are willing and available for the research survey. As most of the bank employees will be working and will not be available for questioning convenience sampling would be a better choice. Snowballing: This sampling method will be used to identify the first participant. Then that first participant will be asked to refer to other participants with similar characteristics. I have used this method to select bank employees and their friends. It is easier to get representatives for research through this method that has same characteristics. Secondary data can be obtained by: Comparative Case studies: I will go through case studies of competitors who are offering mortgage products in the Turkey market. This will help in understanding their strategies and policies. It will also help in understanding about how they achieve their goal. It will also help in identifying the challenges they faced during marketing their products. Comparative Case Studies helps in comparing two industries and understanding their shortfalls. Hypothesis Since the interest rate on home loan is frequently changing and it is expected that it will rise again by the end of the year 2010. Customers who want to take loan for a long time i.e. more than 15 years and also the big amount are really worried about the payment of high EMI. The problem is mainly for salaried class people who are unable to pay the EMI fixed by the banks on their monthly salary. As the fixed rate of interest is 12.5% now customers are suggested to take loan on floating rate of interest. So hypothesis will be based on the current and future trend of the interest rates of the banks. Analysis of Data Data for analysis will be present in following ways in order to carry out the research as well to do comparative analysis for the subject by giving information in different perspective. Frequency tables  Ã‚   Bar charts, histograms and pie charts  Ã‚   Contingency tables or cross-tabulations   Quantitative and Qualitative data: Qualitative data is form of data which includes the fact and figures such as financial report of a company and Quantitative data is a form of data which can be used analyse the data which is in form of questionnaire and surveys which help in order to analyse the current situation of company and provide the better solutions for company. For this research article author will be using both the data Quantitative as well Qualitative as the research includes both data collection numeric data as well survey or questionnaire data. 3). LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY If there are advantages of study then obviously there are limitations of that study also. So, some limitations of this study are: This is basically an academic study suffers from time and money constraints. The other limitation includes the sample size, which is small. Analyses of only two banks are done rather than more banks Study is limited to local area of Bangalore, India Since banks are not willing to disclose their client details so the availed information is limited to report, pamphlet, brochure etc. SCOPE OF STUDY The study mainly deals with Housing Finance Sectors. The two important sectors identified for this purpose are companies and client of public and private Housing finance sector in Bangalore, India. AREA OF THE STUDY The study is limited to only one branch of both banks i.e. UBI and SBM situated in Bangalore due to time, money and information availability constraints. Ethics As the research article is focused on banking industry the confedentiaity of the data will be used for academic purposes within the field of study that is housing schemes of two banks and as per the accordance of business ethics. Comparison of Housing Loans from SBM and UBI Comparison of Housing Loans from SBM and UBI This research article is aimed to compare and critically analyse the housing loan schemes offered by State Bank of Mysore and Union Bank of India, Bangalore Branch, India OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY To recognize and evaluate literature relevant to the theories of home loans. To evaluate the general awareness of the various schemes currently offered by HFCs / banks and the purpose of which housing loan are given. To perform comparative analysis for housing loan schemes for State Bank of India and Union Bank of India. To study the documentation process in HFCs (Housing Finance Companies) and critically evaluate problem faced by clients during the process of lending housing finance in banks. To assess and suggest appropriate Conclusions and Recommendations with regards to housing loan schemes offered by SBM or UBI Bank to the customers. Introduction This article explains the housing loan schemes offered by banks in order to bolster the current housing finance situation in India and to taper down the margin between the housing demand and the availability of houses, The National Housing Bank was set up in the year 1988. This was done by keeping in mind that a home seeker though does have a desire for a house but lacks the resources for construction or buying it. To give an enhancement to private housing finance institutions the National Housing Bank came into the picture. It is a principal agency to promote housing finance institutions both at local and regional levels and to provide financial and other support to such institutions. While it is important to keep in mind that the National housing Bank itself does not give loans or finance individuals or a party as such. It is only a corporate body to promote, establish, support or aid the housing finance institutions.   India have been serving the people for around three decades and providing various housing loan schemes according to the customers various needs at attractive and reasonable interest rates. In order to facilitate the best housing loan schemes at the least interest rate this research article will help in critically evaluating and comparing the schemes of housing loan for two banks i.e. State Bank Of India and Union Bank of India, Bangalore, India in order to know the best offers provided by the banks as well their performances in order to retain in competition within marketplace. This research article analyses the effectiveness and efficiency of housing loan schemes provided by SBM and UBI bank which will provide its customers a attractive interest rates in on housing loan. Company Overview of SBM and UBI State Bank of Mysore was formed as Bank of Mysore Ltd. in 1913 under the benefaction of the former Government. Of Mysore, on the illustration of the banking commission headed by the great Engineer-Statesman,  Late Dr. Sir M.Visvesvaraya. Subsequently, in March 1960, the Bank became an Associate of State Bank of India. State Bank of India holds 92.33% of shares. The Banks shares are listed in Bangalore, Chennai, and Mumbai stock exchanges. Branch Network The Bank has a widespread network of six hundred eighty two only (682) branches (as on 30.09.2009) and 20 extension counters spread all over India which includes 5 specialised SSI branches, 4 Industrial Finance branches, 3 Corporate Accounts Branches, 4 specialised Personal Banking Branches, 10 Agricultural Development Branches, 3 Treasury branches, 1 Asset Recovery Branch and 8 Service Branches, offering wide range of services to the customers. Human Resources The Bank has a dedicated workforce of 9720 employees consisting of 3169 supervisory staff, 6551 non-supervisory staff (as on 31.03.2008). The skill and competence of the employees have been kept updated to meet the requirement of our customers keeping in view the changes in the environment. (Source: Union Bank of India UBI Bank is consistently dedicated to bind and maintain its distinctiveness as a foremost, pioneering cost-effective Bank, by means of a down to business approach to the shifting requirements of the general public. A extensive scale of goods and services has been resulted and also made accessible to its precious customers to cater the least of their requirements. Today, with its well-organized, value-added services, continual intensification, reliable productivity and expansion of innovative technology, UBI bank has ensured comprehensive shopper delight, keeping up its image,  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“GOOD QUALITY POPULACE TO BANK WITHâ‚ ¬?.   The key to the triumph of any organisation lies with its personnel or manpower. No wonder, UBI dedicated tem of dynamic and enthusiastic skilled personnel consists of 26000 thousand employee who contribute to the maximum in order to ensure growth for UBI. The bank went for Initial Public offer (IPO) on 20th august 2002 which was followed by the publi c offer made on February 2006.Government of India holds fifty five percent (55.43%) share capital of Union Bank the current share capital holding of the bank is forty four point five seven percent 44.57 % which includes Individuals and Others. Reason behind choosing the topic for the study Housing is the one of the main priority sector needs a lot attention now days the interest rate of the housing loan is raising very high customers are worried about the rates due to indefinite fluctuation. This study is about the comparison of the various schemes and the interest rate of the two banks State Bank of Mysore and Union Bank of India. After this study we will be able to know that which bank is more convenient in the lending of loan. Different schemes of the bank are convenient in different manner according to customers priority. The study is important also in case of comparison of the many other banks schemes to these two banks. Literature Review Meaning of Loan: Loan is a method of lending under which bank gives credit to a borrower for a fixed period and for a specific purpose. Loan are promises for future payment, they have to be repaid in periods beyond a year and are therefore long-term liabilities 3.3Types of Loan: Generally bank grant loans for different period like shorts, medium and long and for different purpose. Broadly, the loans granted by banks are classified follows Bank Loans (1) Short-term Loans: Short-term loans are granted to meet the working capital needs of the borrowers. These loans are granted against the securities of tangible assets mainly the movable assets like goods and commodities, share debenture, etc. (2) Term Loans: Medium and long-term loans are usually called term loans. These loans are granted for more than a year and are meant for purchase of capital assets for the establishment of new units and for expansion or diversification of an existing unit. Loan Procedure: Generally various banks adopt following procedure for loan. Appraisal of Loan Submit the Application Documentation Convene to loan applicant To Issue Draft or Pay order Submit the Application: First of all the loan borrower should submit application to the particular bank. The borrower is required to fill out a common application form, which seeks comprehensive information about proprietors and loan borrowers back ground and his business network and as well as his cost of project and economic consideration. Appraisal of Loan: The bank follows good appraisal system for effective lending and to make easy repay in future way. The main task of the lending bank is to make sure that the income generated from the loan is sufficient to repay the loan installments according to the terms and conditions of amortization. The risk involved in term lending is much more than the risk in short-term lending because the loans are given to new undertaking, or for the modernization and expansion of existing undertaking and for loan period. Before sanctioning any loan a banker should assure himself that the borrowing concern shall be able to earn sufficient income to pay the loan installments. The methods of analysis and standard to be adopted for an appraisal of loan are more similar to investment decision than to short-term lending. The appraisal of loan included projection of future trends of output, sales estimated of costs, returns and flow of funds. It is extremely difficult to have a clever cut formula for the appraisal of term loan since many factors have to be considered such as the type of borrowing bank and its activities, the markets potential, its management, and financial position. The amount of loan and the period of its repayment. Another important factor is whether to give weight age to profitability or to its broad economic significance in the development of the economy. A term loan may be appraised by considering four different aspects of the proposal. They are: Technical feasibility Economic feasibility Managerial competence Financial feasibility Documentation: After completing the step of submit the application and appraisal system of loan. Then loan applicant should collect the document for borrowing loan, every documents and requirement are needed according to the co-operative bank rate. If the loan applicant wants to borrow loan of huge amount, so at a time strong documents are presented by loan applicant against bank like evident of shareholders, original and photocopy of propertys documents, photocopy last three years income tax returns file, etc. if loan applicants has no any recommendation from share holder so firstly the bank becoming share holders of his bank by issuing share to them, so above types of documents are used to borrow loan and advances from the bank. Convene to Loan Application: After collecting the necessary documents, an officer of the recipient bank review it to ascertain whether it is complete for processing, when the application is considered complete. Then the co-operative bank held meeting of his loan applicant and sanctioned the particular loan. Generally this meeting is convened on Monday and Thursdays in every week. Otherwise expected it in other contingent situation and gives date, day and time for delaying particular meeting. To Issue Draft or Pay order: At the last stage is that, after convening of loan applicant and sanctioning loan, borrower should pay its stamp duty, margin and one installment of loan, then in the stamp document or stamp procedure. Then bank gives to them pay order or draft. If the any loan borrowers want to purchase machinery or vehicle from out of city so he need quotation of that particular company, and finally bank made draft of companys name otherwise if the quotation of city area so at a time the co-operative bank made pay order of companys name. Them it gives to company through loan applicant. Thus above procedure is followed by the loan applicant, who wants to borrow loan from banks and satisfied his goal or objectives. 1.) In December 2006 Fulbag Singh and Reema Sharma had studied about the housing Finance in India. Housing, as one of the three basic needs of life, always remains on the top priority of any person, economy, government and society at large. In India, majority of the population lives in slums and shabby shelters in rural areas. From the last decade, the Government of India has been continuously trying to strengthen the housing sector by introducing various housing loan schemes for rural and urban population. The first attempt in this regard was the National Housing Policy (NHP), which was introduced in 1988. The National Housing Bank (NHB) was set up in 1988 as an apex institution for housing finance and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The main objective of the bank is to promote and establish the housing financial institutions in the country as well as to provide refinance facilities to housing finance corporations and scheduled commercial banks. Moreover, f or the salaried section, the tax rebates on housing loans have been introduced. The paper is based on the case study of LIC Housing Finance Ltd., which analyzes region-wise disbursements of individual house loans, their portfolio amounts and the defaults for the last ten years, i.e., from 1995-96 to 2004-05 by working out relevant ratios in terms of percentages and the compound annual growth rates. A relevant chart has also been prepared to highlight the results. 2) In May 18, 2007 Michael La Cour-Little had studied about the Economic Factors Affecting Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Reporting. The public release of the 20042005 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data raised a number of questions given the increase in the number and percentage of higher-priced home mortgage loans and continued differentials across demographic groups. Here we assess three possible explanations for the observed increase in 2005 over 2004: (1) changes in lender business practices; (2) changes in the risk profile of borrowers; and (3) changes in the yield curve environment. Results suggest that after controlling for the mix of loan types, credit risk factors, and the yield curve, there was no statistically significant increase in reportable volume for loans originated directly by lenders during 2005, though indirect, wholesale originations did significantly increase. Finally, given a model of the factors affecting results for 2004-2005, we predict that 2006 results will c ontinue to show an increase in the percentage of loans that are higher priced when final numbers are released in September 2007 3.) â‚ ¬Ã…“The housing finance market has been consistently exhibiting rapid growth in the past few years. Growth has been largely concentrated on urban areas and in the middle to high income groups, focusing on the salaried class. This growth was partly fuelled by the entry of commercial banks seeking asset growth in a sluggish business environment coupled with the tax incentives on housing loans. The banks, with their lower cost of funds, extensive branch network, capability to provide a range of personal banking services and aided by the average low default rates in housing finance, could expand the market considerably. They however, continued to focus on middle to higher income groups. Lower income groups, self employed and the rural population are by and large excluded. While the middle and higher income groups may continue to access conventional housing finance, increasing attention will need to be paid to the needs of the underservedâ‚ ¬?. (Source: Saravanan P. Recent Experiences in the Housing Finance Sector A Study with Reference to India.  Housing Finance International  [serial online]. September 2007; 21(5):45-48. Available from: Business Source Complete, Ipswich, MA. Accessed June 17, 2010) 4.) The innovations in housing finance systems in advanced economies over the past two decades have altered the role of housing sector in business cycle and in the monetary transmission mechanism. It concludes that these changes have spilovers from the hosuing sector to the rest of the economy and have amplified their impact by strengthening the role of housing as collateral. This analysis suggests in economies were developed mortgage markets, monetary policymakers may need to respond over aggressively to developments in housing sectors, within a risk-management approach that treats house price dynamics as one of the key factors to be considered in assuming balnce of risks to output and influence. (Source: World Economic Outlook(International Monetary fund), 2008, ISBN 978-1-58906-719-6) 5.) Today, the housing finance market has evolved into an oligolpolistic structure (SSKI, 20606) with three dominant providers-DFC, the largest housing company, ICICI bank the largest private sector bank, State Bank of India the largest bank in country. According to SSKI India research estimation in 200, the three leading housing credit providers accounted for approximately 75 of the market. Only a few foreign banks are involved and they tend to focus on High net worth individuals.Towards the end of 2005, India saw a graduate inching uo of interest rates. Despite this, close to 85 % of housing credit customers still prefer floating rate of interest.(Source: Housing Finance mechanism in India, 2008, ISBN- 978-92-1-131970-5, [emailprotected] United Nations Human Settlement Programme 2008) 6.) â‚ ¬Ã…“As per a article report published in wall street the trend in housing sector in India as on February 20,2008 were heading for a slowdown. The withdrawal of an Initial Public offering (IPO) by Emaar MGF Pvt. Ltd is an indication of difficulties companies worldwide are having in tapping market. (Source: Kilbinger, Sara Seddon. India Faces Housing Slowdown.  Wall Street Journal Eastern Edition  20 Feb. 2008: B7.  Business Source Complete. EBSCO. Web. 17 June 2010) 7.) â‚ ¬Ã…“The housing market in the Indian metropolitan city of Bangalore. Some problems of housing finance from the viewpoints of families and of public authorities are indicated. It is argued that it is these financial problems that make access difficult for the poorer half of the population of Bangalore to forms of housing other than inner city slums or urban fringe informal housing. Public housing with its unrealistic standards of service provision, but especially its high initial access costs is not well designed to meet the needs of the majority of families. The paper concludes that unless public housing authorities emulate the private housing market they will continue to play a marginal role in housing in a city such as Bangalore. There are signs that this is happening in India with experimentation in both housing finance and lower service standard. (Source: Blore, Ian. Housing and the working class in an Indian metropolis.  Public Administration Development  9.5 (1 989): 557-568.Business Source Complete. EBSCO. Web. 17 June 2010.) 8.) The housing sector in India for several decades faced a number of set-backs, such as an unorganized market, development disparities, a compartmentalized development approach and a deterrent rent control system. There was not even a concerted attempt to understand the housing problem let alone promote it. Reforms introduced in the sector during the 1990s, however, have overturned the situation to a great extent. The designing of a shelter policy, the organization of the housing finance market, the introduction of fiscal incentives, increased public investment, legal reforms and others initiatives have brought about a number of changes in the housing sector. Interestingly, these changes have been concerned with both reducing the housing shortage and increasing the number of quality housing stock besides increased access to various other housing amenities like safe drinking water, good sanitation and household electricity. However, the reform initiatives of the housing sector need t o take deep roots and to go a long way to address the growing incidence of sub-standard and dilapidated housing stock for further minimizing the deprivations of housing amenities. This paper considers a few policy options towards addressing the challenges of the housing sector. (Source: Mahadeva M. Reforms in housing sector in India: impact on housing development and housing amenities.  Habitat International[serial online]. September 2006;30(3):412-433. Available from: Business Source Complete, Ipswich, MA. Accessed June 17, 2010) OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF THE CONCEPT EMI- Equated Monthly Installment is what a loaner pays the Banks every month towards repayment of loan. It is comprises of principle and interest. EMI = L * r (1 + r) n x 1 (1 + r) n â‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 1 12 Interest rate- It is the amount which banks charge along with the principal amount per year on the basis of fixed rate or floating rate. UBI- Union Bank of India SBM- State Bank of Mysore HFC- Housing Finance Company METHODOLOGY The study dwells on both secondary and primary data. The primary data is collected through interviewing staffs of the banks, secondary data is collected through past details of the Housing finance structure, reports, pamphlets, brochures etc Primary research is form of research which includes the gathering of new data using an acknowledged research method. This could be in form of opinion poll, questionaaire, telephonic interviews or personal interview etc For this research article the author has chosen to carry out primary research by collecting data in form of questionnaire or by interviewing SBM and UBI with the support of bank officials or staff members of bank. Secondary Research is referred to data which is not a original creation. This form of data is already available to a researcher in order to carry out the research process in form of websites, journals or newspapers or company annual reports. How Primary data can be collected: 1.) Questionnaire or Opinion Polls: Questionnaire or opinion polls are intended to gather primary data from a sample taken into consideration, with a aim to critically evaluate or analyse the data in form of tabulated results e.g. stastical data or even by simplifying the results in form of a inference of the numeric data. Questionnaire can be performed in several ways such as telephonic interview, Emails, Online surveys or face to face. These methods of opinion polls are elaborated in broader perspective: Telephone interview: This is the most important and widely accepted method of collecting the original and accurate data for resolving the complex issues and providing the accurate solutions. Merit: From the author point of view the main merit of this method is that its more time consuming and a person can explain views more easily which they cannot do sometime face to f ace. Demerit: The demerit of this method could be that the rejection for telephonic interview which doesnt allow the researcher to receive any data for the research. Online Surveys: Surveys nowadays most commonly and widely accepted method of research as it can be presented in many dimension and can be analysed and interpreted based on the requirement of the person and also can be presented in form of tabulation sheets or some analytical software. Merit: This method is very advantageous as a researcher can have a global access from the respondent and its more faster and accurate and easy to administer. Demerit: For this method to have access a user must be well versed with computers as well as its more global method a user should ahve access to internet so that could be a biggest drawback in order to collect data if the respondent dont have knowledge or access to these resources. Personal interview: This form of method is acceptable by everyone as its being designed and implemented based on the convenience of the respondent. A respondent can choose their timing to answer the questionnaires as well its helps in solving the complex issues as it provides the accurate data as well a discussion about the analysis of data from the respondent Merit: The main advantage of face-to-face or direct interviews is that the researcher can accommodate the questions as necessary, classify doubts and ensure that the responses are properly understood, by repeating or rephrasing the questions. The researcher can identify nonverbal clues from the respondent. Disadvantages: The main disadvantage of face-to-face interviews is that geographical limitations may impose restrictions on the surveys and the vast resources that would be needed if such surveys need to be done nationally or internationally. Respondents may feel uneasy about their privacy of their responses when they interact face-to-face with the interviewer. Postal Interview: The most commonly used method of distribution which is fairly easy to administer. The questionnaire and the covering letter will be posted to the sample, usually with a prepaid envelope for returning the completed questionnaire. For this medium short questionnaire will be used. Advantages: A wide geographical area can be covered with the use of postal interview. The respondents use their convenience to fill the form at their own pace. Anonymity of respondents is high. Disadvantages: Any doubts that respondents have cannot be clarified. The return rates of mail questionarres are typically low. Follow up procedures for non responses are necessary in postal interviews. Sampling: Survey provides representative information about a group from which sample was drawn. This qualitative research will involve nonrandom sampling or non-probability sampling where everyone in the population will not have an equal chance to be chosen as part of a sample. The non-probability samples provide good estimates of a population characteristic. Target Population: The target population of my sample will include all bank employees of IS bank. The recruitment of individuals for participation will require the selection of individuals who are employees of IS bank. The sample for the research survey will be selected mostly by these methods: Convenience Sampling: This will be used to identify bank employees who are willing and available for the research survey. As most of the bank employees will be working and will not be available for questioning convenience sampling would be a better choice. Snowballing: This sampling method will be used to identify the first participant. Then that first participant will be asked to refer to other participants with similar characteristics. I have used this method to select bank employees and their friends. It is easier to get representatives for research through this method that has same characteristics. Secondary data can be obtained by: Comparative Case studies: I will go through case studies of competitors who are offering mortgage products in the Turkey market. This will help in understanding their strategies and policies. It will also help in understanding about how they achieve their goal. It will also help in identifying the challenges they faced during marketing their products. Comparative Case Studies helps in comparing two industries and understanding their shortfalls. Hypothesis Since the interest rate on home loan is frequently changing and it is expected that it will rise again by the end of the year 2010. Customers who want to take loan for a long time i.e. more than 15 years and also the big amount are really worried about the payment of high EMI. The problem is mainly for salaried class people who are unable to pay the EMI fixed by the banks on their monthly salary. As the fixed rate of interest is 12.5% now customers are suggested to take loan on floating rate of interest. So hypothesis will be based on the current and future trend of the interest rates of the banks. Analysis of Data Data for analysis will be present in following ways in order to carry out the research as well to do comparative analysis for the subject by giving information in different perspective. Frequency tables  Ã‚   Bar charts, histograms and pie charts  Ã‚   Contingency tables or cross-tabulations   Quantitative and Qualitative data: Qualitative data is form of data which includes the fact and figures such as financial report of a company and Quantitative data is a form of data which can be used analyse the data which is in form of questionnaire and surveys which help in order to analyse the current situation of company and provide the better solutions for company. For this research article author will be using both the data Quantitative as well Qualitative as the research includes both data collection numeric data as well survey or questionnaire data. 3). LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY If there are advantages of study then obviously there are limitations of that study also. So, some limitations of this study are: This is basically an academic study suffers from time and money constraints. The other limitation includes the sample size, which is small. Analyses of only two banks are done rather than more banks Study is limited to local area of Bangalore, India Since banks are not willing to disclose their client details so the availed information is limited to report, pamphlet, brochure etc. SCOPE OF STUDY The study mainly deals with Housing Finance Sectors. The two important sectors identified for this purpose are companies and client of public and private Housing finance sector in Bangalore, India. AREA OF THE STUDY The study is limited to only one branch of both banks i.e. UBI and SBM situated in Bangalore due to time, money and information availability constraints. Ethics As the research article is focused on banking industry the confedentiaity of the data will be used for academic purposes within the field of study that is housing schemes of two banks and as per the accordance of business ethics.